Memories, Our Blog

I'm glad you're here, reading this blog.

This is my story:

I want you to be inspired in your relationship with God through the things you read here.

Like most people, I wear many hats. I’m a Christian, wife, and mother who became a blogger, writer, and editor in 2014. That’s when I joined my first writers’ group and contributed to its blog, Deadwood Writers Voices.

In 2016, my darling husband Greg and I cofounded a nonprofit organization which allows us to award scholarships to Christian ministry students. Ever since, my writing has been showcased here, on Remembering Janet.

As you glance through my posts, you’ll see that some are related to the charitable work Greg and I do for The Bixby Foundation. Other posts are even more personal and are drawn from the life I live. In those stories, you’ll meet the people who I already know and love, as well as those I encounter in the many places I’ve been fortunate to have traveled to and explored.

To quickly locate an article that interests you, you may look through the TAGS or CATEGORIES on this page or enter a specific topic into our search bar. If you would like to discuss anything with me, please comment below any individual post or reach me through our contact page.

This is my song:

I am an aspiring author working on inspirational nonfiction for adults and nonfiction picture books for children.

A lifetime ago, I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies from the University of Michigan—Dearborn, where my concentrations were in English, Communications, Business, and Health and Society. After a short career in the insurance industry, and with the support of my husband, I changed paths and became a stay-at-home mom.

Now that my four children have grown into young adults, I have time to develop my lifelong passion for writing. I treasure the beauty of God’s creation and find inspiration everywhere, because of Him.

Praising my Savior, all the day long:

I’ll eventually finish the book God has placed on my heart.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed writing. But until I attended a women’s retreat in 2012, I didn’t know what I was supposed to write.

A presenter at the retreat encouraged us attendees to seek God’s answer to something that was important. We were instructed to jot down our requests on strips of paper and place them in paper prayer boxes we had made earlier in the program.

I had been wrestling with an idea and needed to know if it was what God intended me to pursue or if it was just something I wanted to do. I asked God to convince me that His plan was for me to write the biography of my former pastor, who inspired people in their relationships with Christ and one another.

During a break later in the day, I went shopping at a nearby clothing store. As my items were being rung up by a cashier, the clerk told me that I had spent enough money to qualify for a promotional giveaway. Then she placed a journal and pen in my bag.

In my book, God’s voice is sometimes as clear as that.

Perfect submission, all is at rest. I in my Savior am happy and blessed!

This is the place where I’ll share my publications with you. 

I hope you find something you like.

In the Father's Love,


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